Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Great Ideas to Help Sleep

Great Ideas to Help Sleep

There is no worse feeling than tossing and turning in bed, mind racing, being unable to drift off. Luckily there are insomnia solutions available.

Medication will help you to sleep but the side effects are often worse than the problem. Even herbal solutions will change the chemical balance of your body and should be avoided if possible. Knowing what you’re options are can be a big help.

Behavioural changes Get into a sleeping routine. Go to bed at the same time each day, never watch TV or do work while you are there. Make sure your room is as dark as it can be and not too hot. Get the best quality mattress that you can afford and regularly wash the sheets and bedding to eliminate potential allergenic.

Take a warm shower or bath shortly beforehand and concentrate on relaxing as much as possible. This is all designed to wind you down.

Get regular exercise. Make sure to tire yourself out as much as possible during the day. That may mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Reduce or eliminate caffeine from colas, teas or coffee especially in the afternoon and evening. Try to limit alcohol and smoking as much as possible. Don’t eat a large meal two hours before retiring. A smaller carbohydrate rich serving will help you sleep.

Essential oils and aromatherapy can also be relaxing and will help you wind down. Try potpourris or lavender oil.

One insomnia solution that has been around for over a century but is recently getting more attention is brainwave entrainment. This is the totally safe way of influencing our brainwaves to promote relaxation and rest.

Listening to a scientifically designed soundtrack throughout the night will improve sleep patterns without the dangers of pills or potions. It’s relaxing and is a great way to calm the racing thoughts that so often can keep us awake. If you’ve tried everything else, this method is well worth a try.

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