Jumat, 13 Juni 2008

[Dapatkan Hadiah dengan Menjawabkan Survei - Pendaftaran bersifat cuma-cuma dan terbuka untuk seluruh penduduk Indonesia yang berusia 16 tahun

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Curing Acid Reflux with Your Cupboard

Why is everyone talking about honey and heartburn? You may be surprised that some of the most effective cures for acid reflux could be sitting in your cupboard.

In this article, you will learn a few simple and effective remedies to cure your heartburn naturally.

Honey Cures Heartburn

The most likely cause of your heartburn is a damaged or weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is responsible for keeping food and acid in the stomach to digest the food. However, many people’s sphincters do not work like they should.

Because our diets have changed in the last 100 years, many sphincters are not working properly. That explains the sky rocketed cases of acid reflux. But antacids that neutralize the stomach acid are doing nothing for curing the cause of this disease.

But honey can cure the sphincter. Honey has long been touted as a healer of the skin or tissue. For centuries, honey has been a natural remedy for cuts. And honey can work to heal and strengthen the sphincter.

You should immediately buy a quality honey at your grocery store and begin sucking on 3 teaspoons daily.

How Else Can you do to Cure Acid Reflux?

1. Begin eating a red apple whenever you feel an attack coming on.

2. Drink water after every meal or snack to clean off the sphincter. This could create a tight seal over the stomach.

3. Eat softer foods while you are curing your reflux. Crunchy foods scratch the sphincter.

4. Avoid spicy foods, alcohol and carbonated beverages until you cure your heartburn.

5. Educate yourself on the most effective home treatments available.

Curing Acid Reflux

Learn how to cure acid reflux by tomorrow with a 100% guaranteed remedy report that uses the top research studies combined into a step by step remedy.

With one trip to the grocery store, you could be cured in 24 hours or less with no antacids!

Curing Acid Reflux

Joe Barton and Barton Publishing promise to teach you how to cure acid reflux in 24 hours. If you enjoyed these honey and heartburn remedies, you will love this GERD Remedy Report.

You can try many yeast infection cures today as they vary from over-the-counter drugs like Monistat to quick natural remedies or more complex ones like homeopathic cures.

For mild yeast infection the yeast infection natural treatments are the best approach. The best known homemade remedies are apple-cider vinegar and yogurt.

Apple-cider vinegar is widely used to cure itchiness and burning due to candidiasis. You are not allowed to use or consume other kind of vinegar because they are not alkaline, so it will actually feed the fungus yeast. Hence, it will make the matter even worse. You can take douching with water and vinegar daily or as often as you may feel needed. In two, three days you should feel the relief from yeast infection.

Yogurt, the non-sweet type, is very useful in the battle with vaginal yeast infections and severe candida albicans. For getting rid of itchiness, rashes, burning caused by yeast, you can apply the yogurt on the affected areas. I know it is quite messy, but the results are really worth it. For chronic yeast infection you have to eat yogurt daily to restore your bacteria balance in your body and reduce the yeast fungus. Also, is very effective in preventing the disease during an antibiotic treatment.

Cheekweed ointment, if you are lucky to find it on your local store, is very effective in getting rid of symptoms of vaginal infections. It is a very powerful anti-fungal herb, so you should use it as soon as you get it. Another good anti-fungal is tea tree oil. Be careful to dilute it with water though.

Other natural yeast infection treatments include changing your diet completely by eliminating the foods that cause the yeast fungus growth and for a more severe candida albicans, the best approach is a holistic one. There are numerous herbs and teas which combined with regular exercise and anti-candida diets can get rid of yeast infection for good.

puji dan jihan berlibur

waktu liburan, aku dan jihan temenku berlibur bersama loe . aku liburan di rumah sih tapi meskipun berlibur di ruma aku dan jihan sering jalan2 loe kadang2 ke sawah,ke pantai,dan ke mana aja sih yg penting enak .udah dulu ya aku cape nih bay!

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

Thinking About Homeschooling Your Children? It’s an Awesome Experience that Delivers Superior Education!

Thinking About Homeschooling Your Children? It’s an Awesome Experience that Delivers Superior Education!

Many parents are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the current public education system. The coursework has systematically declined in content and class sizes, typically consisting of 30 or more students, creates a situation where a lack of discipline among students sets the stage for bullying and even more dangerous events. The overcrowding of classrooms makes it difficult, if not impossible, for teachers to exercise adequate supervision.

All of these factors contribute to greater numbers of parents seeking an alternative education venue. How about homeschooling? Educating your children at home is one of your best alternatives. You need not have a teaching credential to home school. Every state has accredited homeschooling programs, with a curriculum defining the subjects you must cover and periodic testing that demonstrates a certain level of achievement equal to public school programs.

Here we take a look about homeschooling programs and how your child can receive a superior education to that offered in the public schools. We hear so much about that ‘quality time’ spent with your kids. Well, homeschooling offers a way to spend hours with your kids every day, in one of the most valuable experiences parents and children can share. Imparting knowledge in this one-on-one environment is one of the richest, most productive and satisfying you’ll ever enjoy.

The only caveat about homeschooling is that you must enroll your child in an accredited homeschooling program. This is not a difficult or highly bureaucratic process, not much more than is required to register your child in public school. A call to your local school district gets you on the rosters in short order.

One of the best features about homeschooling is that you can organize the school lessons pretty much the way you like. A mix of structured and unstructured lesson plans usually works well for almost any schedule. For example, scheduling for sick days: if your child wakes up with a sore throat, has a case of poison oak or a sprained ankle, this doesn’t mean a missed day of school. This may be a good day to read story books, or watch a special on Animal Planet. Learning can take place cozied under a blanket on the sofa, with a cup of soup or cocoa. You’ll also find that your child will have fewer sick days, not being exposed to kids with a cold or fever in the public classroom.

Another wonderful thing about homeschooling is the latitude you have with respect to what you can add to the education of your child. While fulfilling the requirements of the state mandated curriculum, your one-on-one environment allows for comprehensive, in-depth examinations of subject matter. Let’s say your child’s coursework requires that you cover state geography. In public school, a certain amount of time is allotted to this lesson, but when you’re talking about homeschooling, you have the time to pull out the atlas and explain topographical maps. Kids learn faster and more easily when they can take their time and ask as many questions as they like. If your child is fascinated with the subject matter, why not spend the entire school day on that subject? Tomorrow’s another day.

On the other hand, there are bound to be some subjects which your child doesn’t enjoy. In public school classrooms, there’s no latitude in choosing time slots for subjects. How about homeschooling? You can break up the lesson into manageable chunks, diminishing the boredom and frustration. The material will still be covered, in a manner that promotes learning and gets the tasks completed and understood.

This approach also helps a child’s self esteem. There’s no peer pressure by other students which may cause your child to feel ’stupid’, or falling asleep in class, resulting in a poor grade and a lasting dislike for that subject. When it comes to educating children, one size does not fit all. So this is yet another of the advantages about homeschooling: your lessons can be customized to the specific needs of your child.

Television can be a terrific resource for the home schooled child. Animal planet, the Discovery channel and the History channel offer lessons your child might never get in public school. You’ll find abundant TV resources for the language arts, including grammar, composition, and even foreign language lessons.

In addition to television lessons, you’ve got the net. Let’s say your child does not enjoy math. There are hundreds of kid’s learning sites which have interactive math games which are fun for kids and produce results. These sites are run by education professionals, who provide practice tests. These help point out the concepts your child finds difficult, so you know where your future lesson emphasis should be.

Teachers in public school seldom have the time to identify an individual student’s weaknesses. So there you have another plus about homeschooling in contrast to public school. Other net resources include free online and downloadable dictionaries, thesauri i, grammar and spelling game sites and e-books to enrich your child’s learning experience and knowledge base