Jumat, 30 Januari 2009
Hyaluronic Acid Cream Should Always Be 100% Pure, why
Minggu, 25 Januari 2009
“WELL means “Women’s Empowerment through Local Livelihood” The project is a social enterprise model and an empowerment center for women from the surrounding villages of Auroville, India. Its two main goals are to provide livelihood for women and to develop and promote products made of recycled materials. Following completion of a 4-6 month training workshop, the groups of local women produce the products in their own profit sharing workshop in the villages. Though promoting recycled products is an important part of the WELL project, that is not where it ends. The WELL project, besides providing alternative livelihood to these women, also empowers them socially to a great extent. It is already impacting their lives and that of their families in a significant way. By buying these products you not only support an environmentally aware project, but also improve the local women’s quality of life.”
Selasa, 20 Januari 2009
Continue your wedding celebrations with a relaxing and romantic
Continue your wedding celebrations with a relaxing and romantic
Continue your wedding celebrations with a relaxing and romantic stay with us. Indulge yourselves with lavish pampering from our expert therapists, excellent food from our award winning restaurant and accommodation in our luxury villas where you will have the perfect opportunity to unwind and be together.
US $789++ per couple
• Airport transfers
• Two nights in the luxury of your own villa
• Private garden and swimming pool
• Chilled bottle of sparkling wine in villa upon arrival
• Chilled towel and Honeymoon cake on arrival
• Flower Bath at your preferred time during stay
• A Romantic Dinner served in your Villa
•1.5 Hour Signature Massage in PRANA
• Free wifi in your villa
The vllas hotel & Spa Bali honeymoon PRANA SIGNATURE MASSAGE Your treatment begins with Prana Foot Ritual, a time honored welcome for the weary traveler. Your feet and lower legs will be cleansed with rose petal and peppermint water, then scrubbed with sea salt. Choose between oil or lotion for your Prana Signature signature massage based on Swedish Therapeutic and Balinese Massage techniques. This smooth flowing style is guaranteed to send you to the land of bliss. Prices are subject to 21% Government Tax & Service Charge. Unused package elements are non-refundable and non-transferable; no credits will be issued for unused package components. High Season surcharge may apply.
Kamis, 15 Januari 2009
Maria Ozawa (Miyabi) Will Come to Indonesia
Senin, 05 Januari 2009
Use Triks Awesome Vedic Maths Tricks
Use Triks Awesome Vedic Maths Tricks
Vedic math uses different mathematical process, with an interesting past that you would not typically guess. In addition, the vedics maths is designed to assist anyone in becoming an expert at math - even if it is very hard for you. Finally, you can learn more about vedics math from books and websites.
The history of vedic maths comes from BCE, thousands of years ago. It was found as part of the Indian texts and has roots similar to that of Hinduism. Additionally, the principles behind the vedic maths are based on the sutras from Hinduism. Basic principles of Vedic math are found in nearly all expanded math such as algebra and even trigonometry.
There are 16 sutras that increase the ability to memorize the formulas used in math. Some of the sutras include by one more than the previous one, which is found in the Ekadhikina Purvena. Other sutras are useful for evaluating sum or even division.
Using the sutras increases how quickly you can complete math problems, as they require less work and less detail than other methods. When you can memorize how to complete a math problem the solution to the problem is much easier to achieve.
Using math is often very difficult; however, when you use vedic maths tricks you can quickly accomplish your math just by having memorized 16 sutras that tell you how to complete each type of math problem. We are using the vedic maths tricks to learn in math courses such as algebra and even geometry.
Free Decision deplores KPAI Sheikh Puji
Free Decision deplores KPAI Sheikh Puji
Magelang (ANTARA) - Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) deplores the decision of the District Court (PN) Ungaran, liberating Semarang District Pujiono Cahyo Widiyanto alias Sheikh Puji (44) from the punishment of a child marriage cases under the general, Lutviana Ulfah (13)

Justice PN Ungaran Assembly, who chaired Mulyanto Day rejected charges that the prosecutor on the case in the trial continued with the agenda of interim decision, Tuesday (13/10), because the votes are not careful, vague, and incomplete.
Sheikh Puji is also the owner of PT Sinar Lendoh Light, Semarang regency was indicted intercourse minors, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse against minors.
Hadi rate, the decision shows that the judges are not sensitive and does not have a child protection perspective.
“The best interests of children are not fighting through the realization of justice,” he said.
Interim decision that the judges, he said, also does not consider the community’s sense of justice.
He said the case of Sheikh Puji is not just about one child but about 500 thousand other children, or 34.5 percent of marriages in Indonesia.
According to him, the judges did not understand the Law Number 23 Year 2002 on Child Protection.
“By firmly in Article 81 states that the perpetrators of copulation on a child does not have the violence but also with guile and persuasion,” he said
Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009
Yeast Infection Treatments
Yeast Infection Treatments
For mild yeast infection the yeast infection natural treatments are the best approach. The best known homemade remedies are apple-cider vinegar and yogurt.
Apple-cider vinegar is widely used to cure itchiness and burning due to candidiasis. You are not allowed to use or consume other kind of vinegar because they are not alkaline, so it will actually feed the fungus yeast. Hence, it will make the matter even worse. You can take douching with water and vinegar daily or as often as you may feel needed. In two, three days you should feel the relief from yeast infection.
Yogurt, the non-sweet type, is very useful in the battle with vaginal yeast infections and severe candida albicans. For getting rid of itchiness, rashes, burning caused by yeast, you can apply the yogurt on the affected areas. I know it is quite messy, but the results are really worth it. For chronic yeast infection you have to eat yogurt daily to restore your bacteria balance in your body and reduce the yeast fungus. Also, is very effective in preventing the disease during an antibiotic treatment.
Cheekweed ointment, if you are lucky to find it on your local store, is very effective in getting rid of symptoms of vaginal infections. It is a very powerful anti-fungal herb, so you should use it as soon as you get it. Another good anti-fungal is tea tree oil. Be careful to dilute it with water though.
Other natural yeast infection treatments include changing your diet completely by eliminating the foods that cause the yeast fungus growth and for a more severe candida albicans, the best approach is a holistic one. There are numerous herbs and teas which combined with regular exercise and anti-candida diets can get rid of yeast infection for good.
Kamis, 01 Januari 2009
Optical Multi-Meter Ideally Suited for Single Mode Fiber
Optical Multi-Meter Ideally Suited for Single Mode Fiber
Toronto, Canada - GAO Tek Inc. (www.GAOTek.com) has announced the release of its optical multi-meter ideal for fieldwork. The easy-to-use meter can act as an optical power meter, a stable light source or a loss measurement system. It features a backlit LCD screen and selectable power sources: AC-DC adaptor, rechargeable Ni-Cd battery or dry cells.
The optical meter is specifically designed for single mode fiber measurement and provides a wavelength calibration function at four wavelengths. The optical multi-meter, model 2498A, measures optical loss and checks the performance of optical parts. It provides CW mode light signals; the measurement resolution is 0.1dBm to 1dB in W display mode or 0.01 to 0.1dB in REL display mode. This multi-meter covers 0.85&m, 1.30?m, 1.31?m and 1.55?m wavelengths for optical loss measurement within a measurement range of 3dBm to -70dBm or 20dBm to -50dBm. Additionally, the deviation of optical power sensor is compensated automatically. Visit http://www.GAOTek.com for more information or to purchase this product online. For any sales inquires please contact: 1-877 585-9555 ext. 601 - Toll Free (USA & Canada) 1-416 292-0038 ext. 601 - All Other Areas sales@gaotek.com About GAO Tek Inc. GAO Tek Inc. (www.GAOTek.com) is a global leader in research, development and manufacturing of high performance telecommunication testers, electronic measurement instruments, embedded development tools and other electronic products that serve the needs of electronic professionals internationally.
Eyes cloud in Padang was a lie
Hm …. A few days ago, I temen a video recording showing Cloud’s eyes during the earthquake that occurred in the city of Padang on 30th September. In the video it seems very clear there is a pair of eyes in the sky that appeared at the time of the earthquake. Also believes the phenomenon could cloud the eye’s Padang city. But …
After this morning saw some comments in http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2009/10/3-jam-setelah-gempa-padang-muncul-mata.html (if you have not deleted it) stating that the video lie, so hesitant, too. Because the video is presented already uploaded on YouTube on May 19, 2009. Well it loh … Confused. And the earthquake in Padang city’s happened late last month 30 September 2009, followed by the earthquake in Jambi on October 1, 2009.
Moreover, in YouTube, the video was uploaded 09 October 2009 with the title “Eyes in the ukrainian Sky”. Hm … Add stable if the video Eyes on the town meadow cloud is a lie.
Here’s a video-videos ..
Compare with this video
On the upload pictures on May 19, 2009 with the title “Cloud Eye phenomenon EAPs” whereas under the existing image first and uploaded on 9 October 2007